My tasks.json in Visual Studio Code with STM32 and Nuttx

Maybe it helps some of you out when I share my “Build Tasks” [CTRL+Shift+B]

     // See
     // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
     "version": "2.0.0",
     "tasks": [
             "label": "build Nuttx project",
             "type": "shell",
             "command": "sudo make apps_clean && sudo make",
             "group": {
                 "kind": "build",
                 "isDefault": true
             "label": "clean Nuttx project",
             "type": "shell",
             "command": "sudo make clean",
             "group": {
                 "kind": "build",
                 "isDefault": true
             "label": "flash upper STM32F411",
             "type": "shell",
             "command": "sudo openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg -c \"hla_serial 066CFF575450707267222722\" -c \"program nuttx.bin 0x08000000 verify exit\"",
             "group": {
                 "kind": "build",
                 "isDefault": true
             "label": "flash lower STM32F411",
             "type": "shell",
             "command": "sudo openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg -c \"hla_serial 0673FF575450707267203957\" -c \"program nuttx.bin 0x08000000 verify exit\"",
             "group": {
                 "kind": "build",
                 "isDefault": true

One could also use this for Openocd:

sudo openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg -c init -c "reset halt" -c "flash write_image erase nuttx.bin 0x08000000"

Debugging Nuttx on STM32 with Visual Studio Code

After using Eclipse for some time, I have come to a state where Visual Studio Code is more appealing. And why? Because Eclipse messed up my repo once again. And I want to try something out with Visual Studio Code.

I like the interface and also its speed. The extensions are getting more available and even when you want to code with ARM/GNU.
I have made a screenshot of the plugins I am using.

My workflow is simple but effective. And I cannot wait that Nuttx has its Apache repo up and running. So now, the examples are still based on Nuttx 8.2.

For debugging, I use the Cortex-Debug extension. Simple, but fast and has some excellent features, and I use ST MCU most of the time, and then you can also load its SVD (=System View Description) file. You can find those at

To get it all working, you have to make a “Debug Config.” Just click on the “turtle icon with a cross” and create a *.json file.

I will give an example of an OpenOCD file which works for me:

     // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
     // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
     // For more information, visit:
     "version": "0.2.0",
     "configurations": [
             "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
             "executable": "${workspaceFolder}/nuttx",
             "name": "Debug Microcontroller",
             "request": "launch",
             "type": "cortex-debug",
             "servertype": "openocd",
             "interface": "swd",
             "svdFile": "/home/ds/Documents/SVD_Files_STM32/en.stm32f4_svd/STM32F4_svd_V1.2/STM32F407.svd",
             "configFiles": [
             "preRestartCommands": [
                 "file nuttx",
                 "add-symbol-file nuttx 0x8000000",
                 "enable breakpoint",
                 "monitor reset"
             "showDevDebugOutput": true

Now you can run your “debugger” by choosing the Debug Config file in the selection menu on the top left in your IDE. Next to the button, “Debug and Run.” And then, you will spot a config with the name: “Debug Microcontroller.”

You will get features like below: Peripherals, Registers, Watch, etc…
Happy debugging!!!

And have a great 2020!!!!!!!!

Flash multiple boards with OpenOcd (in Console or use it in Jenkins)

Do you also have the problem when you are using multiple boards and you want your app (or kernel) from Nuttx flashed to different boards? Well, you can achieve this by calling your device with “hla_serial” on its ID!

You could use these commands in your IDE as a task, or implement them in your CI environment.

=== Flashing different STM32 at once
lsusb -v #for finding your device ID
sudo openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg -c "hla_serial " -c "program nuttx.bin 0x08000000 verify exit"

Thanks, Paul Fertser for the tip!